Adinkra Symbols & Meanings | Explore African Symbols & Meanings
Adinkra are visual symbols that represent concepts, proverbs, and aphorisms. They originated from the Gyaman people of Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire. Back then, they featured as prints on cloth which royals wore to important ceremonies.
Adinkra Symbols & Meanings Source: adinkrasymbols.org Adinkra are visual symbols with historical and philosophical significance originally printed on cloth which royals wore to important ceremonies. Originating from the Gyaman people of Ghana and la Côte d’Ivoire, the symbols have assumed global importance and are now found in
Adinkra Codes: An Elementary Introduction
All Adinkra start from squares, cubes, and their higher-dimensional generalizations, known as hypercubes. To get Adinkra, we enhance the starting cube following some additional rules:
Gye Nyame - Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
One notable use of Adinkra is on the highest denomination banknotes of Ghana, the 200- and the 100-cedi notes. On the 200 cedi note, we find the Adinkra Gye Nyame while on the 100 cedi note, we find the Adinkra Dwennimmen. On both notes, the Adinkra are positioned in …
Sankofa | Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
Sankofa is an Adinkra symbol that embodies the spirit and attitude of reverence for the past, reverence for one’s forebears, reverence for one’s history, and reverence for one’s elders.
Dwennimmen - Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
Explore the Adinkra symbol, Dwennimmen, “rams horns.” Discover its meaning, pronunciation, philosophical significance, amd more.
Adinkrahene | Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
Adinkrahene means “King of the Adinkra symbols.” It is a symbol for authority, leadership, and charisma. The etymology of Adinkrahene is Adinkra + ɔhene, literally “Adinkra king” or “king of the Adinkras.” This symbol is reportedly the inspiration of the design of the other symbols.
Eban - Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
Explore the Adinkra symbol, Eban, literally, ‘fence.’ Discover its meaning, pronunciation, philosophical significance, amd more.
Bese Saka - Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
Explore the Adinkra symbol, Bese Saka. Discover its meaning, pronunciation, philosophical significance, amd more.
Nteasee | Adinkra Symbols & Meanings
Explore the Adinkra symbol Nteasee, literally, ‘understanding.’ Discover its meaning, pronunciation, philosophical significance, amd more.