Cat meat - Wikipedia
A dish of cat meat in Vietnam. Cat meat is meat prepared from domestic cats for human consumption. Some countries serve cat meat as a regular food, whereas others have only consumed some cat meat in desperation during wartime, famine or poverty.
Vietnamese restaurant that killed 300 cats a month to make soup …
Dec 26, 2023 · Pham Quoc Doanh, 37, dramatically tore down the sign that advertised cat meat — known as ”thịt mèo” — outside his Gia Bảo restaurant in the Thịnh Đán ward of Thái Nguyên in early December,...
Special Dish ‘Little Tiger’: The Rampant Cat Meat Trade in Vietnam
Aug 12, 2020 · The investigations by FOUR PAWS and Change For Animals Foundation identified Hanoi and the Thai Binh province as Vietnam's cat meat hotspots, with their large networks of hundreds of restaurants, holding areas and slaughterhouses.
‘I Feel Very Sorry’: Restaurant That Killed 300 Cats a Month ... - VICE
Dec 28, 2023 · An eatery and slaughterhouse in Vietnam serving ‘thịt mèo’ (cat meat) has shuttered its operations after owner Pham Quoc Doanh said he felt regretful over drowning over 300 cats a month to ...
Horror cat meat trade exposed as pets are stolen ... - The Mirror
Jul 19, 2023 · Every year a million cats are slaughtered in this manner before being cooked and served up in restaurants – part of a cruel and dangerous meat trade in Vietnam. Many are beloved pets and...
Special Dish ‘Little Tiger’: The Rampant Cat Meat Trade in Vietnam …
Aug 12, 2020 · The investigations by FOUR PAWS and Change For Animals Foundation identified Hanoi and the Thai Binh province as Vietnam's cat meat hotspots, with their large networks of hundreds of restaurants, holding areas and slaughterhouses.
Vietnam cat meat trade revealed: Pets stolen, drowned, …
Aug 12, 2020 · More than a million cats are killed in Vietnam for their meat every year in a secretive, brutal and growing trade that risks spreading diseases to humans, an undercover investigation has found.
Vietnam’s Cat Meat Trade - Faunalytics
May 12, 2022 · This report outlines the laws, culture, and operations of the cat meat trade in Vietnam, and discusses how meaningful solutions must be led by local animal advocates. Vietnam has a history of cat meat consumption, though available data suggests the practice has begun to take off in the past decade.
Vietnam's Stray Cats and the Cat Meat Trade: Why it Exists and …
May 10, 2019 · Apparently stray cats in Vietnam are considered “unlucky” which is why some Vietnamese families will eat cat meat at the start of every month to ward off bad luck.
FOUR PAWS Exposes the Cat Meat Trade in Vietnam - People.com
Aug 13, 2020 · A new report from FOUR PAWS and the Change For Animals Foundation has exposed a significant cat meat trade in Vietnam, affecting an estimated one million cats each year.