Then and Now: 30 legendary Tempe music venues - Phoenix New Times
A retrospective of Tempe's most iconic music venues, bars and nightclubs over the decades, including Long Wong’s, The Sun Club, Gibson’s and Hollywood Alley.
The Past Lives of Tempe's Bars and Restaurants
Jun 4, 2020 · Here’s 11 Tempe locations that have amassed a long list of memorable (or not-so-memorable) tenants over the years. The Oasis Lounge at 26 South Farmer Avenue, and 10 …
You Lived in Phoenix in the 60s, 70s, and 80s If... - Blogger
Oct 10, 2010 · How about Tempe and ASU in 60's and 70's: Watching ASU football on mountain above the stadium; The tepee style motel (don't remember name) on Apache Blvd. Sin City …
Tempe in the 1950s - Selections from the Bill Wood Collection
Bill Wood started the Pioneer Camera Shop in 1951, located in Tempe originally at 51/2 E. 5th Street. It later moved to Tempe Center, and was sold in 1961. Many of the photographs in the …
Tempe historical photos - azcentral.com
Dec 18, 2014 · Mill Avenue's name was likely chosen in recognition of Tempe's most conspicuous landmark in its earliest years: the flour mill Charles Hayden built in the mid-1870s.
Arizona Memories from the '60s - Arizona PBS
Jan 16, 2011 · And in Tempe, Frank Lloyd Wright designed Grady Gammage Auditorium at Arizona State University. “Wright adapted the design from one he had created for the Baghdad …
Tempe/ASU in the 60s-70s (house, neighborhood, theater)
Sep 18, 2013 · I was recently back there showing my kid around, he's in college now, and was pleased to see that, other than the 9th and Ash abomination, Ash Ave. looks pretty much like it …
Archives and Photographs | City of Tempe, AZ - Tempe, Arizona
The Tempe History Museum Archives contain close to 50,000 cataloged photographs and historic documents. We are currently upgrading our archives so that some of the holdings can be …
Tempe Teepees - Tempe History Society
Today we are recollecting a nearly forgotten piece of Tempe’s past ─ what may have been in its day the town’s most distinctive architectural icon. Affectionately nicknamed the Tempe …
Tempe from the air! This is about 1960. - Tempe History Museum
May 23, 2020 · Tempe from the air! This is about 1960.