Blazor Icon Component | Free UI Components by Radzen
Supercharge your Blazor development with Radzen. Whether you prefer a standalone environment or integration directly within Visual Studio, Radzen provides a powerful toolkit to increase development speed, reduce repetitive coding, and …
List of icons for Radzen Blazor controls
Nov 21, 2019 · We are using Material Icons: https://blazor.radzen.com/icon. If you add open iconic font and css (or other) to your application you can use them as well:
Blazor Menu Component | Free UI Components by Radzen
Demonstration and configuration of the Blazor RadzenMenu component.
Using custom icons - Blazor Server - Radzen
Nov 14, 2022 · Several controls in Radzen offer the option to set an icon, e.g. items in the navigation menu. The property itself is a string containing the icon name from the material font which is used by Radzen. Is there an easy way to apply a custom icon?
Customize navigation menu - Radzen.com
Navigation menu can be customized from Layouts -> Main -> PanelMenu. 1. Open PanelMenu Items editor. 2. Populate current navigation items. 3. Move navigation items up and down, delete, add new or add sub items. You can change Text, Icon, Path, Image and Visible
Icons Suggestion - Radzen.Blazor Components - Radzen
Dec 11, 2024 · On a previous project I ended up hacking the icon setup to allow Font Awesome icons in the menu for example. It'd be wonderful to have this integrated into the RadzenIcon feature set. Just suggesting! You can use any icon set you want if you follow these instructions: Blazor Icon Component | Free UI Components by Radzen. cool. (Is that new?
Blazor PanelMenu Component | Free UI Components by Radzen
Demonstration and configuration of the Radzen Blazor PanelMenu component. Statically declared items link. Set the display style of menu items link. The following keys or key combinations provide a way for users to navigate and interact with Radzen Blazor PanelMenu component. Navigate to a PanelMenu. Focus next PanelMenu item.
Class Radzen
Radzen Blazor Studio is a software development environment that empowers developers to design, build and deploy Blazor applications without the traditional hurdles. Write less code and get more done. Learn More
DataGrid Simple Filter Mode with Menu - demos.radzen.com
Supercharge your Blazor development with Radzen. Whether you prefer a standalone environment or integration directly within Visual Studio, Radzen provides a powerful toolkit to increase development speed, reduce repetitive coding, and …
How To Change RADZEN Default Bootstrap Styling and add icons …
Jan 23, 2022 · In this video, I demonstrate 2 ways of changing Radzen's default styling. I also demonstrate how to add icons to navigation menu items.
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