A40 Primrose - Batesville
Accepts Decorative Casket Panel; Memorial Record® System; Continuously Welded Bottom; Interior Chemically Treated to Resist Rust and Corrosion; Exterior Chemically Treated Against Rust and Corrosion; Limited Warranty
PrimRose White And Pink Casket with Pink Velvet Interior - Metal Casket
Primrose White 18-gauge steel casket with pink velvet. 60% off funeral home prices. Free shipping. Satisfaction guaranteed.
OS9 Primrose-28 - Batesville
Accepts Decorative Casket Panel; Memorial Record® System; Continuously Welded Bottom; Interior Chemically Treated to Resist Rust and Corrosion; Exterior Chemically Treated Against Rust and Corrosion; Limited Warranty
Overnight Caskets Primrose Metal Funeral Casket - Premium 18 …
Aug 17, 2023 · Crafted with 18 Gauge Steel for strength and peace of mind. Choose from six variations: Misty Rose, Heavenly Mother, Silver Rose, Briar Rose, Mother Pink, and Primrose. All caskets come complete with a coordinating pillow/throw set and adjustable eternal rest bed.
- Reviews: 24
Prim Rose 18 Gauge Steel Casket - Sky Caskets
The Prim Rose is an exquisite, chic option for a steel casket. The Prim Rose’s apple white finish, ice rose highlights, and pink crepe interior combine to make a lovely option. The Prim Rose is a very popular choice for women. Next Day Delivery to anywhere in US. Call 800-759-1018! Expedited service is available to any funeral home in US.
Primrose Casket with Antique White Finish and Pink Interior
The Primrose Casket is beautifully made from 18 gauge steel. With a medium gloss, white-shaded copper finish, the inside is fully lined and features a pink velvet interior with intricately embroidered roses sewn into the head panel.
Batesville Primrose Copper Casket
Exterior width of casket: 28″ Exterior length of casket: 81″ Exterior height of casket: 23 1/2″ Interior width: 24″ Interior length: 79″ Actual Weight: 275 pounds; Weight Capacity: 500 pounds
Primrose Full Couch Casket - Solace Caskets
The Primrose Full Couch Casket by Solace Caskets features a serene and elegant finish that radiates warmth and sophistication. The full-couch design ensures a seamless and dignified presentation, while the plush interior provides a comfortable and peaceful resting place.
Z65 8JC DN Primrose Bronze - Batesville
Accepts Decorative Casket Panel; Memorial Record® System; PerfectLink® System Used to Fasten Bottom; Semi-Precious metal, naturally resistant to rust and corrosion; Interior Chemically Treated to Resist Rust and Corrosion; Limited Warranty
Primrose - Casket Emporium
Also known as The Prime Rose Casket; Pink Velvet with “Roses” Embroidery; Locking Mechanism Plus a One Piece Rubber Gasket; Continuously Welded Bottom; Each Casket Factory Tested for Quality Assurance; Limited Warranty; Interior Chemically Treated to Resist Rust and Corrosion; Exterior Cathodically Protected Against Rust and Corrosion ...