Phlox subulata (Creeping Phlox, Flowering Moss, Ground Pink, …
Moss phlox has loose, terminal, flattened clusters or cymes of 2 to 8, fragrant, tubular flowers that are up to 3/4 inches wide and bloom in April-May. The flowers are red-purple to bluish-purple, …
Silene acaulis (Catchfly, Cushion Pink, Dwarf Catchfly, Dwarf Silene ...
Numerous tiny pink five-petaled flowers bloom during the summer months. The fruit is a capsule that contains many seeds that are dispersed by the wind. Mossy campion is a popular rock …
Phlox - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Flowers vary in color from blue to pink to red and white and may bloom in spring, summer, or fall. They will grow in moderately fertile, medium moisture, well-drained soil in full sun to part …
Phlox stolonifera - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Creeping Phlox is a native ground cover found in the Appalachian mountain areas from PA south to GA. It will perform best in full sun to partial shade, in moist, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. …
Phlox pilosa - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
The flowers are showy pale pink to lavender, fragrant and extremely attractive to butterflies. There are nine subspecies of this species. Phlox pilosa ssp. pilosa is widespread and the only one …
Paths & Walkways - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant …
Phlox subulata Creeping Phlox Flowering Moss Ground Pink. Syringa vulgaris Common Lilac English Lilac French Lilac. Spring Border against turfgrass. Garden age: 10 years Kathy Sill …
Tall Phlox - Phlox paniculata | North Carolina Extension Gardener …
Garden phlox has fragrant, tubular, pink-purple, blue to lavender to purple to white florets (to 3/4” diameter) that are densely packed in large, tiered, domed terminal clusters (to 6-8"). Florets …
Wild Sweet William - Phlox divaricata | North Carolina Extension ...
Blue phlox is a native herbaceous perennial wildflower in the Polemoniaceae family that may grow 6 to 12 inches high. Clumping or spreading horizontally it is often found growing on the forest …
Annual Phlox - Phlox drummondii | North Carolina Extension …
Annual Phlox is a showy blooming annual native to grasslands and meadows in Texas but has naturalized throughout the southeastern US along roadsides and fields. The 1-inch flowers …
Phlox maculata - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
Meadow Phlox is a native perennial wildflower found in moist woodlands and open areas in the central and southeastern U.S.A. In NC, it is found in the Piedmont and mountain areas. During …