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  1. Copilot Answer

    How to Grow and Care for Garden Phlox - The Spruce

    • Learn about garden phlox, a perennial flower that blooms in summer and attracts hummingbirds and butterflies. Find out how to plant, water, fertilize, and propagate this low-maintenance plant in differen… See more

    Garden Phlox Care

    Garden phlox is a low-maintenance plant. Here are the main care requirements for growing garden phlox: 1. Choose a location with lots of sun, ideally around six hours or more. 2. Pr… See more

    The Spruce
    Propagating Garden Phlox

    Garden phlox can be propagated by taking cuttings. Here are the basic steps: 1. Use sharp pruning shears to cut a few cuttings about 5 to … See more

    The Spruce
    How to Grow Garden Phlox from Seed

    You can also direct sow seeds in spring as soon as the ground can be worked. Here's how: 1. Sow seeds directly where you want the plants to grow. 2. Cover them with about 1/8 i… See more

    The Spruce
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