Bluetec OM642 PCV Valve - Why you should be concern about it
May 2, 2020 · 2007 - 2009 Sprinters OM642 had a better designed PCV valve with less chance for failure. 2010 and up OM642, the PCV is designed to come in a direct contact with a moving part of the engine, the camshaft, therefore creating a greater chance of failure.
Bluetec OM642 PCV Valve - Why you should be concern about it
May 2, 2020 · After replacing the old PCV valve with a new one, no more oil consumption. Another fix can be done that costs a 1/3 of the price of a new PCV valve, is to simply replace the shaft seal. See the pictures below for part number…
Bluetec OM642 PCV Valve - Why you should be concern about it
May 2, 2020 · The design of the PCV valve has not changed from NCV3 and it is very well possible that you are experiencing a bit more loss of oil due to that seal. What I practice is, replacing the radial seal every 50k.
OM642 Preventative Maintenance - Sprinter-Source.com
Apr 27, 2016 · I am pursuing a dpf and erg delete. I'm also intending to replace the PCV with a catch can. But can someone tell me what the function of the valve is on the engine breather to the left of the turbo. I'm guessing some sort of valve. Do I leave this in situ if I fit a catch can? Thanks.
om642 blowby/bad oil seperator - Sprinter-Source.com
Feb 14, 2022 · CCV Valve & Hose Breather Assembly (OM642 Early) (WK CRD) Crank case breather tube aka (CCV vent or PCV vent) for the OM642 motor used in the Mercedes E-Class, ML, GL and R-Class 2007-2009. Vents excess crank case pressure to the turbocharger inlet....
Bluetec OM642 PCV Valve - Why you should be concern about it
May 2, 2020 · 2010-2018 Mercedes-Benz Engine Crankcase Vent Valve 642-010-17-91 | Mid Atlantic Mercedes-Benz
Catch can on OM642 / 3L V6 Diesel engine - Sprinter-Source.com
Oct 10, 2017 · Bluetec OM642 PCV Valve - Why you should be concern about it This week I had to deal with a 2013 Sprinter OM642 with excessive oil consumption and I want to share with you my experience in finding the problem and the solution for it.
PCV valve leak? | Page 2 | Sprinter-Source.com
Mar 9, 2023 · Bluetec OM642 PCV Valve - Why you should be concern about it This week I had to deal with a 2013 Sprinter OM642 with excessive oil consumption and I want to share with you my experience in finding the problem and the solution for it.
Oil consumption?? - Sprinter-Source.com
Jun 16, 2021 · I think it was said that "D Service" of a V6 Sprinter involves the replacement of the PCV valve. I think there's a seal on the PVC that seals against the camshaft and, when it doesn't seal, oil can be consumed, pushed out.
Catch can on OM642 / 3L V6 Diesel engine - Sprinter-Source.com
Oct 10, 2017 · If the OM642 had a second oil separator and PCV valve on the left cylinder head, there would be much less oil vapor going into the engines air intake system. Obviously this has a major impact on the emissions system.