ekg says normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific st abnormality, …
Jan 6, 2021 · Ecg shows a nonspecdific st abnormality, normal sinus rhythm, abnormal ecg. Vent 82, pr 134, qrs 80 qt/qtc 378/441, p-r-t 58/50/53. Whats this mean? ECG reads Normal sinus rhythm, T wave abnormality, consider inferior ischemia abnormal ecg. What does this mean? I got an ECG and I don't know how to understand the results...it says "technically ...
what is normal sinus rhythm and borderline ECG - HealthTap
33f 169 height and 78 kg complaining of sharp left chest pain that lasts 1 or 2 sec. ecg results say: normal sinus rhythm. low voltage/precordial leads less than 1.0mv, borderline t abnormalities/anterior leads: t-flat or neg v2-v4. cause and advise?
ekg says normal sinus rhythm, nonspecific st abnormality, …
Nov 25, 2019 · EKG Impression Normal sinus rhythm Nonspecific ST abnormality Abnormal ECG What does this mean for me @ 73 yrs. of age? Ecg shows a nonspecdific st abnormality, normal sinus rhythm, abnormal ecg. Vent 82, pr 134, qrs 80 qt/qtc 378/441, p-r-t 58/50/53.
I had a ekg and it said it was abnormal because of a left axis ...
Feb 24, 2018 · My father's ECG interpretated probably MI(inferior) minor left axis deviation and R/S inversion area between V1 and V2 probably abnormal ECG? I had a pre-surgical ecg. The result is like : normal sinus rhythm left axis deviation abnormal ecg what does it mean?
sinus rhythm ecg non specific t wave abnormality what does
Jun 25, 2019 · ECG results: Normal sinus rhythm, Low voltage QRS, Nonspecific T wave abnormality Question about low voltage QRS. Doc says OK, is this worth seeking second opinion of cardiologist? Thank you? Could use your help docs! my ECG report says 'sinus rhythm r-s transition zone in v leads displaced to the right. What does it mean ?
in regards to an ekg, what does "possible inferior infarct, age ...
Sep 9, 2019 · The results came back normal sinus rhythm, abnormal ecg, lateral infarct age undetermined, QRS axis shifted right....what does that mean and should i be concerned? I had an EKG and the diagnosis was atrial fibrillation cannot rule out anterior infarct, age undetermined. atrial fibrillation has replaced Sinus rhythm.
atypical ecg? is says sinus rhythm and low qrs voltage in chest …
33F 169 height and 78 KG complaining of sharp left chest pain that lasts 1 or 2 sec. ECG results say: normal sinus rhythm. Low voltage/precordial leads less than 1.0mv, borderline T abnormalities/anterior leads: t-flat or neg V2-V4. Cause and advise? Low qrs voltage in limb leads [qrs deflection 0.5 mv in limb leads] atypical ecg....
ecg reads normal sinus rhythm, t wave abnormality, consider …
Nov 30, 2022 · Iam 65 years old abnormal ecg Normal sinus rhythm Possible inferior infarction , age undetermined ST& T wave abnormality, consider lateral ischemia? Normal sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia Rightward axis T wave abnormality, consider anterior ischemia Abnormal ECG????. I'm a 22 year old female.
is this normal: borderline ecg - sinus rhythm normal p axis, v-rate …
Nov 30, 2021 · I had 2 ekg in one day one said Normal sinus rhythm with sinus arrhythmia and the other say Normal sinus rhythm Rightward axis Borderline ECG When compared with ECG of 29-NOV-2021 09:13, (unconfirmed) No significant change was found is something wron? EKG - sinus rhythm, normal P axis V-rate 60-99. T0AN.
ecg shows a nonspecdific st abnormality, normal sinus ... - HealthTap
Nov 4, 2019 · Ecg shows a nonspecdific st abnormality, normal sinus rhythm, abnormal ecg. vent 82, pr 134, qrs 80 qt/qtc 378/441, p-r-t 58/50/53.