Missouri Pacific Railroad - Wikipedia
The Missouri Pacific Railroad (reporting mark MP), commonly abbreviated as MoPac, was one of the first railroads in the United States west of the Mississippi River. MoPac was a Class I railroad growing from dozens of predecessors and mergers.
Texas State Highway Loop 1 - Wikipedia
Loop 1 is a freeway that provides access to the west side of Austin in the U.S. state of Texas. It is named Mopac Expressway (or, according to some highway signs, Mopac Boulevard) after the Missouri Pacific Railroad (or "MoPac").
Missouri Pacific Railroad - American-Rails.com
Oct 12, 2024 · An official, 1930 system map of the Missouri Pacific and subsidiaries. Author's collection. On April 2, 1858 it opened to Pilot Knob (very near Ironton), then continued expanding southwestward.
What happened to the Missouri Pacific, Texas & Pacific, and
Apr 7, 2010 · This map shows the MoPac of 1970 and the status of all those lines today. By glancing at the thicker, solid-color lines, one can see that most of the system’s main lines, except for the one to Colorado, survive as parts of Union Pacific, which absorbed MP in 1982 and formally merged it out of existence in 1997.
Missouri Pacific Railway system. - The Portal to Texas History
Missouri Pacific Railway system. Description Map shows late nineteenth century routes of the Missouri Pacific Railway through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Kansas, and parts of Texas, Nebraska, and Illinois.
the Missouri Pacific RR System Map - Railfan Guides
For those of you into the modeling aspect of our hobby, my indexa page has a list of almost everything railroad oriented I can think of to provide you with at least a few pictures to help you detail your pike.
Missouri Pacific Railroad (The MOPAC) - Abandoned Rails
Browse maps, pictures and histories of abandoned railroad lines of the Missouri Pacific Railroad (The MOPAC).
Missouri Pacific Railway. - David Rumsey Historical Map Collection
Col. map. Relief shown by hachures. Covers also northern and central Mexico, and shows steamship routes to Veracruz and Havana. Includes list of agents, Pullman fare table, illus. and text.
MoPac History – Missouri Pacific Historical Society
The Missouri Pacific Historical Society, Inc. was organized as a not-for-profit corporation in 1980. It is chartered in the state of Missouri for the purpose of obtaining, preserving, and sharing information and material relating to the Missouri Pacific Railroad and its subsidiaries.
MoPac Maps - Screaming Eagles - TrainWeb
System: Missouri Pacific: Location/Date: Chicago, IL 1970-1980's: Subdivision: Chicago: Source: unknown