Elevator vs. Lift - The Building Code Forum
Oct 23, 2013 · An elevator is in a shaft. If you need fire separation between the floors you will need a shaft. If you need fire separation for a vertical exit you need a shaft. Never saw a lift used to go a whole story. How many wheel chairs can you put on a lift if they need to get out quickly. Churches may be exempt from ADA but not ICC-A117.1
Elevator vs. platform lift - The Building Code Forum
Oct 20, 2009 · Re: Elevator vs. platform lift Under the IBC use exception 2 or reduce the basement to less than 3,000 sq ft. Does Illinois have similar lanquaqe? 1104.4 Multilevel buildings and facilities. At least one accessible route shall connect each accessible level, including mezzanines, in multilevel buildings and facilities. Exceptions: 1.
Elevator threshold tolerance - The Building Code Forum
Feb 16, 2022 · I do not have the elevator standards for New York But: 2010 ADASAD Standards 407.4.4 Leveling. Each car shall be equipped with a self-leveling feature that will automatically bring and maintain the car at floor landings within a tolerance of ½ inch under rated loading to zero loading conditions.
Sump pumps in Elevator Pits - The Building Code Forum
Jul 16, 2018 · ASME A1 7.1 ( requires a sump pump or drain in the elevator pit if the elevator has Fire Fighter Emergency Operations, which older elevators may not have. Like steveray sez, contact your state elevator dudes. They have some weights!
elevator shaft without ratings | The Building Code Forum
Nov 28, 2016 · If per Section 712.1.1 the elevator hoistway is a shaft, then the remaining requirements of Section 712 are not applicable and Section 713 is, therefore, required to protect the vertical opening created by the elevator hoistway; thus, Section 713.4 requires a fire-resistance rating of 1 or 2 hours, as applicable, and constructed as fire ...
Air conditioning for elevator machine room - The Building Code …
Oct 19, 2009 · Code sections in order of relevance: 2012 IBC 3006.2 ASME A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators, Section 2012 IBC 707 2012 IBC 3002.4 Given that local interpretation by the AHJ takes precedence over these National codes, I have come to realize that - where the code requires a machine room to...
Elevator machine room rating - The Building Code Forum
Oct 19, 2009 · I have an elevator machine room that is not rated as a one hour fire barrier. The room is adjacent to the shaft. It is a two story B occupancy, type V (I think). The elevator is not part of the MOE except for accessibility. Working out of 2009 IBC, section 3006.4 requires the room to be a fire barrier unless it does not abut the shaft.
2018 IBC 1009.2.1 - The Building Code Forum
Mar 31, 2021 · 2018 IBC 1009.2.1 says, "In buildings where a required accessible floor is four or more stories above or below a level of exit discharge, not less than one required accessible means of egress shall be an elevator complying with Section 1009.4. Therefore, if we have a five-story building, this...
Do we need an elevator in our building? - The Building Code Forum
Mar 29, 2024 · In new construction, if a building or facility is eligible for this exemption but a full passenger elevator is nonetheless planned, that elevator shall meet the requirements of the Indiana Elevator Safety Code (675 IAC 21) and shall serve each level in the building.
Is Stair Enclosure Allowed as Access to Elevator?
Jul 15, 2010 · 2009 IBC 1022.1: "An exit enclosure shall not be used for any purpose other than means of egress"Can the exit stair enclosure be used to access the elevator? Does it matter if it is an old freight elevator vs a new elevator?See drawing