Useful Info – Kerry Hill Sheep Society
The present day Kerry Hill Sheep should have the following physical characteristics: Markings: The sheep should have a black and white face, odd spot on face acceptable. Legs should also be black and white. Ears: Black, Black and White or White. Medium length, set high, free from wool.
Kerry Hill Sheep Society – kerryhillsheepsociety.com
Welcome to the website for Kerry Hill Sheep in the UK. Cwmwhitton Cup & John Brick Trophy. Promotional Officer! Strong Trade at Christmas Cracker Sale Hits Top Price of 2000gns.
Society Sales 2023 - Kerry Hill sheep
Sep 4, 2023 · The 3rd Annual Sale of REGISTERED KERRY HILL SHEEP At Richard Beattie Livestock Sales, Saturday 9th September 2023. To view the sale catalogue please CLICK HERE
2023 – Kerry Hill Sheep Society
123rd Annual Show & Sale of 190 Registered Kerry Hill Sheep at McCartneys Ludlow
KERRY HILL SHEEP Rams, Ram Lambs, Ewes and Ewe Lambs Onbehalf of the At Richard Beattie Livestock Sales 109 Glenpark Road, Omagh, BT79 7ST On Saturday 14th September 2024 Show starts 10.30am Sale starts 1.00pm Auctioneers: Richard Beattie Tel:-‐ 07984
NEWS – Kerry Hill Sheep Society
Woodhouse flock leads Ludlow Kerry Hill sale at 5500gns Shearling rams were on flying form at Ludlow on Saturday (7th September) for the annual Kerry Hill sale, which saw a top price of 5500gns for Skipton Society Sale 2024
2024 – Kerry Hill Sheep Society
Shearling rams were on flying form at Ludlow on Saturday (7th September) for the annual Kerry Hill sale, which saw a top price of 5500gns for the Owens family’s Woodhouse flock. Sale leader from the Presteigne, Herefordshire-based flock was …
Downwood Follow the Flock Friday 17th April – Kerry Hill Sheep …
Apr 17, 2020 · It was around this time that Jim met John and Phillipa Owens from the Woodhouse flock and started working for them on weekends. It was from here that his passion for Kerry Hills was sparked and Jim admits he fell for their distinctive eye-catching markings and presence.
PRESENT DAY KERRY HILL SHEEP Markings The sheep should have a black and white face, odd spot on face acceptable considering the breed. Legs should be black and white. Ears Black, Black and White or White. Medium length, set high, free from wool. Neck Strong and muscular, well set into the shoulders.
September 2021 – Kerry Hill Sheep Society
It was certainly a day to remember for the Owens family’s Woodhouse flock of Kerry Hills at the annual sale at Ludlow, as John, Philippa and daughters Hannah and Ellie topped the yearling ram and yearling ewe sections and smashed the breed record setting a new high of 6200gns.