IT Park - the locomotive of the IT sphere of Uzbekistan
IT Park project in Tashkent will expand covering almost 7 hectares by 2024. 385 thousand m2 of these will make up the total building area that includes: 17 high-class buildings with conference halls, an IT Academy, an IT University, a sports complex, co-working centers, IT residence, a hotel, and office space. 6 office buildings, a conference ...
IT Park - локомотив IT-сферы Узбекистана
К 2024 году проект IT Park в городе Ташкент будет расширен и охватит почти 7 гектар земли.
History of creation of IT Park
IT Park is a complex of facilities, buildings and structures designed to ensure the startup and market access, an extraterritorial free economic zone for IT companies, including integration with scientific and educational organizations.
IT Park
START local & GO global. Local companies; Foreign companies
IT complex in Tashkent - IT Park
IT complex in Tashkent. IT Park project in Tashkent will expand covering almost 7 hectares by 2024. 385 thousand m2 of these will make up the total building area that includes: 17 high-class buildings with conference halls, an IT Academy, an IT University, a sports complex, co-working centers, IT residence, a hotel, and office space. 6 office ...
Results of 2023. Transformation and plans for 2024. - IT Park
On January 31, 2024, the Ministry of Digital Technologies of the Republic of Uzbekistan hosted “IT Park 2024: Achievements & Vision”, where the results of 2023, support programs for export development, and future plans were presented.
ITPARK - Uzbekistan - a new regional IT-hub
There are numerous ways to demonstrate a state's investment appeal. The introduction of the TashRush relocation program was the strategy selected by IT Park Uzbekistan. It aims to draw IT professionals and organizations from abroad to Uzbekistan.
ITPARK - IT Park Tashkent запускает курсы по трем актуальным …
Ввиду высокого спроса на IT-специалистов мы объявляем о запуске трех курсов в филиале IT Park в Ташкенте, а именно: 1. Frontend программирование - продолжительность курса - 6 месяцев;
Residents - ITPARK
Residents of IT Park are IT companies and IT training centers, which can receive a number of significant advantages. These include:
Residents - ITPARK
Резидентами IT Park являются IT-компании и IT-учебные центры, которые могут получить ряд значительных преимуществ.