Case Study: The Unspoken Rules of Favela Construction
Aug 3, 2014 · The building materials used for the homes must meet three major criteria: be low cost, light enough to be carried on men's backs, and small enough to pass through the narrow …
The Remarkable Architecture of the Favelas | Aventura do Brasil
Mar 29, 2021 · The term favela is generally associated with chaotic slums, drug use, and high crime rates. But informal residential neighborhoods are changing, providing space for cultural …
Favela - Wikipedia
Favela (Portuguese: [fɐˈvɛlɐ]) is an umbrella name for several types of impoverished neighborhoods in Brazil. The term, which means slum or ghetto, was first used in the Slum of …
Favela construction in Brazil - RTF | Rethinking The Future
FAVELAS, named after the Brazilian crawling plant ‘favela’ have existed in Brazil since the late nineteenth century. Vomited regions of firmly pressed abodes were planted in the urban areas, …
Latin American Favelas: Improvement Projects and Community ... - ArchDaily
Sep 15, 2023 · Inaugurated by the city of Rio de Janeiro in 1994, the Favela-Bairro program sought to improve the living conditions of favela residents by promoting their inclusion within …
In the Hood: 11 Projects Built in Favelas and Peripheral ... - ArchDaily
Mar 8, 2023 · Check out a selection of projects that show inventive solutions for construction in favelas, slums and peripheral areas.
Favela - Designing Buildings
These favela eradication programmes forcibly removed over 100,000 residents and placed them in public housing projects or back to the rural areas that many emigrated from.
A--D -- Favela open library/ School of Favela Architecture
Dec 3, 2019 · The objective of the Favela School of Architecture/Escola de Arquitetura da Favela (2014-) is to learn about the architecture of favelas from the exchange of knowledge between …
The Favela Typology: Architecture in the Self-Built City
Jul 10, 2013 · In studying how homeowners have constructed and improved their own homes, I will examine how this raw, hand-crafted urbanism leads to the longevity and vitality of the …
A City Planner Responds: What is a Favela? – RioOnWatch
Apr 30, 2014 · According to a recent survey of 6 communities, 95% of favela homes are built of brick, concrete, and reinforced steel. 75% have tile floors. Residents put decades-worth of …
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