Edward Aspinall - The Australian National University
Edward Aspinall is a Professor in and Head of the Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University. He researches politics in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, with interests in democratisation, ethnicity, and clientelism, among other topics.
Edward Aspinall - Google Scholar
The Helsinki Agreement: A more promising basis for peace in Aceh? The break-up of Indonesia? Nationalisms after decolonisation and the limits of the nation-state in post-cold war Southeast Asia.
Edward ASPINALL | Australian National University, Canberra
Edward ASPINALL | Cited by 3,384 | of Australian National University, Canberra (ANU) | Read 103 publications | Contact Edward ASPINALL
Health care and democratization in Indonesia - Taylor & Francis …
Feb 26, 2014 · Edward Aspinall is a specialist on the politics of Indonesia. He is the author of two books, Opposing Suharto: Compromise, Resistance and Regime Change in Indonesia (2005) and Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia (2009) as well as many scholarly articles, chapters, and papers on aspects of Indonesian politics.
Edward Aspinall | The Australian National University
We contribute to scholarly debates about the substantive consequences of descriptive inequality by analysing a new and important case-Indonesia, the world's third most populous democracy. Indonesian politicians have much higher levels of education and income than citizens, and they are more likely to have professional backgrounds.
Opposing Suharto should become the standard work on the last decade of the Suharto presidency in Indonesia. In this revised version of his doctoral thesis at the Australian National University, Edward Aspinall anchors his analysis in political- science transitions theory.
Edward Aspinall - Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs
Edward Aspinall is a Professor in and Head of the Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, Australian National University. He researches politics in Southeast Asia, especially Indonesia, with interests in democratisation, ethnicity, and clientelism, among other topics.
Edward Aspinall Department of Political and Social Change, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific, Australian National University, Canberra, 2601, Australia; email: [email protected]. DOI: 10.1355/sj38-3j Religious Pluralism in Indonesia: Threats and Opportunities for Democracy. Edited by Chiara ...
Edward Aspinall
Edward Aspinall. Edward Aspinall ialah seorang sarjana ilmu sosial Australia yang ahli tentang gerakan mahasiswa Indonesia. Dilahirkan pada 17 Juni 1968. Sangat berminat di bidang studi politik, khususnya politik di kawasan Asia Tenggara.
Edward Aspinall – The Conversation
Dec 2, 2020 · Professor in Southeast Asian Politics, Australian National University. I am a specialist in the politics of Indonesia, and president of the Asian Studies Association of Australia.