Scary Face | Pokémon moves - Pokémon Database
Scary Face lowers the target's Speed by two stages. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each. In Generations 2-4, Scary Face has 90% accuracy. When a Pokémon is holding Normalium Z and uses its Z-Power, Scary Face turns into Z-Scary Face and raises Speed one stage, in addition to its usual effect as above.
Scary Face (move) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven …
Scary Face (Japanese: こわいかお Scary Face) is a non-damaging Normal-type move introduced in Generation II. It was TM26 in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and is TM006 in Generation IX. Scary Face lowers the target's Speed stat by two stages. Scary Face's accuracy is 90%.
Scary Face - Pokémon Wiki | Fandom
Scary Face is a Normal-type move introduced in Generation II that stats the skill move that decreases the foe's speed. Some Pokémon in the anime are shown using this, but it only carries the effect to scaring the opponent and thus delaying their attack.
Scary Face - AttackDex - Serebii.net
Scary Face Attack & Move listings for Pokémon Sword & Shield. Details all stats for each move and each Pokémon that can learn it.
Scary-Face Move Detail - pokedexapi.com
Scary Face is a Normal-type status move with zero power and 100% accuracy. It sharply reduces the target's Speed stat by two stages, making it an effective move for slowing down faster opponents.
Scary Face Move - Pokémon Database - pokemon.gishan.net
Sep 27, 2024 · The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat.
Scary Face - AttackDex - Serebii.net
Brings down the energy of any Pokémon that have already used a move this turn. Usable in Sky Battles? Defrosts When Used? Hits the opposite side in Triple Battles? Reflected By Magic Coat / Magic Bounce? Blocked by Protect / Detect? Copyable by Mirror Move?
Scary Face (move) - Pokémon Flux Wiki
Dec 1, 2024 · The user frightens the target with a scary face to harshly reduce its Speed stat. Does not make contact ; Affected by Protect; Affected by Magic Coat and Magic Bounce; Not affected by King's Rock
Scary Face - Moves - veekun
Frightens the foe with a scary face to sharply reduce its SPEED. Startles the Pokémon that has the judge's attention. Enables the user to perform last in the next turn. These moves all have the same effect as Scary Face. Lowers the target's Speed by two stages. Level up: Learned when a Pokémon reaches a certain level.
Scary Face - Pokémon Move - Pokemon Index
Details for the Pokemon move Scary Face. Contains move description, game availability, and Pokémon that can learn Scary Face.
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