Sturmtiger + Goliath - Limited Edition - Cobi.eu
The Sturmtiger was designed as an infantry support vehicle during street fighting. In the years 1943-1945, only 18 units of this heavy and complicated device were built. The limited edition of this extraordinary mortar includes additional elements not available in the standard edition.
- Reviews: 1
Mar 25, 2024 · Sturmtiger was a German armored gun from the Second World War, built on the chassis of the PzKpfw VI Tiger tank and armed with a special 38cm rocket mortar (SturmMorser) that fired huge projectiles to a distance of 5,600 meters.
38 cm Sturmmörser Sturmtiger (COBI-2585) \ Tanks and vehicles \ Cobi…
Sturmtiger was a German armored gun from the Second World War, built on the chassis of the PzKpfw VI Tiger tank and armed with a special 38cm rocket mortar (SturmMorser) that fired huge projectiles to a distance of 5,600 meters.
- Reviews: 2
COBI 38cm Sturmmörser Sturmtiger Assault Gun : Set #2585
Sturmtiger was a German armored gun from the Second World War, built on the chassis of the PzKpfw VI Tiger tank and armed with a special 38cm rocket mortar (SturmMorser) that fired huge projectiles to a distance of 5,600 meters.
COBI Tiger Sturmmrser Sturmtiger #2585 - Military Bricks I Cobi …
The COBI Sturmtiger 38cm is a highly detailed and accurate model of the German armored gun used during the Second World War. This 1/28 scale model is built on the robust chassis of the PzKpfw VI Tiger tank and features a formidable 38cm rocket mortar (SturmMorser) that fired huge projectiles up to 5,600 meters.
COBI Sturmtiger 38cm | 1/28 Scale Tank | COBI 2585 | USA Store
May 3, 2024 · The COBI Sturmtiger 38cm is a 1/28 scale brick replica of the German WWII Sturmmorser “Sturmtiger” heavy bombardment rocket launcher. With its 1,100 Lego compatible pieces, this set offers a detailed interior and a removable engine for an …
38 cm Sturmmörser Sturmtiger (COBI-2585) \ Panzer und Fahrzeuge \ Cobi…
Sturmtiger ist ein deutsches Panzergeschütz aus dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, das auf dem Fahrgestell des Panzers PzKpfw VI Tiger gebaut und mit einem speziellen 38-cm-Raketenmörser (SturmMörser) bewaffnet ist, der riesige Projektile auf eine Entfernung von 5.600 Metern abfeuert.
38 cm Sturmmörser Sturmtiger - COBI.pl
Sturmtiger to niemieckie działo pancerne z okresu drugiej wojny światowej zbudowane na podwoziu czołgu PzKpfw VI Tiger, uzbrojone w specjalny moździerz rakietowy 38cm (SturmMörser) miotający ogromne pociski na odległość 5600 metrów.
- Reviews: 1
COBI 2585 – 38cm Sturmmörser / Sturmtiger (Speed Build Review)
Mar 26, 2024 · The new Sturmtiger is significantly wider and much more detailed. However, the price is also significantly higher. Ultimately, you also get a lot of building fun and an eye-catcher on the shelf.
Cobi - Sturmtiger + Goliath - Limited Edition | Set 2584 - Merlins …
Feb 2, 2024 · Information for Cobi Sturmtiger + Goliath - Limited Edition (2584) from 2024 in SetDB • 1261 pieces • 3 minifigures