civilization vi rise and fall - What advantages does the Water Park ...
Feb 12, 2018 · However all things aside the major difference is a fully upgraded Water Park will provide the same amount of amenities except instead it will be 9 tile radius instead of 6 however the Water Park has to be built in the water on a coastal tile. As an added bonus you get a slight tourism and science boost with the Water Park as well.
civilization vi - Can a National Park consist of all mountains
Jan 27, 2017 · The national park is still a built improvement over a tile, after all, so your naturalist needs to be able to walk on one of the 4 tiles of the park-to-be. This seems confirmed in a discussion from Steam Community here , and from a logic point of view it makes sense: you can't build anything on impassable terrain, and one of the park tiles will ...
What are the requirements for national parks? - Arqade
Nov 3, 2016 · I'm trying to place a national park here: But the button to create one with the Naturalist is greyed out: I know the civopedia lists the requirements for building a national park, but they are either wrong or I'm having a hard time understanding them: The tiles must be natural wonders, Mountains or a tile with an Appeal of Charming or better.
civilization vi - Why can't I build a city here? - Arqade
Dec 31, 2021 · The Settler Lens tells you where you can settle.. Red means you cannot settle here. You are either too close to another city, or the terrain is not suitable for founding a city (e.g. sea/ocean, mountain/volcano, Natural Wonder, etc.)
civilization 6 - Do Water Parks boost Golf Courses the same
Jan 19, 2020 · Water Parks are very similar to Entertainment Complexes. I don't see anywhere that explicitly states Water Parks grant Golf Courses +1 culture adjacency bonus. civilization-vi
civilization vi - Why can't my scouts enter water, even when …
Nov 12, 2016 · At the start of the game, your land units cannot enter any water tiles. However, once you've learned Sailing technology, Builders will be able to move into coastal water tiles. After Celestial Navigation, Traders will be able to embark. And after Shipbuilding, all …
In Civilization VI, do farms benefit from fresh water? - Arqade
Feb 9, 2019 · In Civilization VI, do farms benefit from being adjacent to fresh water? If so, does it matter if it's from a river, lake, natural wonder, or other source? Does the benefit require any technology or
Cannot transfer a great admiral to another city - Arqade
Oct 22, 2016 · Here is a workaround allowing to move your great admiral as if it was a land unit: Open the file "Units.xml" (it is located in ..\Base\Assets\Gameplay\Data\Units.xml)
civilization vi - Can settlers/builders be captured at sea ... - Arqade
Dec 8, 2016 · Commented Dec 14, 2021 at 6:02 I've just captured a worker on builder with an embarked crossbowman. You need to have Shipbuilding and you cannot be in formation with civil units (there would be no room for the builder).
Does a city by a lake count as coastal for the Lighthouse?
Aug 18, 2020 · Coast is a tile type in Civ 6 that you can check by hovering over the tile. Coast tiles are usually found in between Ocean and land tiles, not Lake and land tiles. Lake tiles are typically adjacent to land or other Lake tiles. However, depending on the map type, small oceans can be generated that behave and look like multi-tile lakes.