9 Common Allergy Symptoms | Early Signs of Allergies
SponsoredDiscover Nine Common Allergy Symptoms and Allergy Relief That Starts To Work At Hour 1. From Runny Nose to Itchy Throat: Learn Common Allergy Symptoms and How to Get Relief.
Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? | Page 4 | Naked Science …
Oct 4, 2016 · Hi my fellow chicken-allergy friends, it's very nice to see that I am not alone with this allergy. I noticed this allergy somewhere around the age of 5-6 and I have been allergic since. I am 20 years old and I am from Sweden. I experience the same symptoms that have been been mentioned earlier such a chest tightness and thick saliva.
Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? | Page 1 | Naked Science …
Oct 27, 2006 · I ate about 1.5 ounces of roasted chicken and the heartburn turned into horrible pain. I started to salivate uncontrollably, then the vomiting started. This forum has been very helpful. I'd been warned many years ago that I might develop an allergy to chicken. Kudos to that dr. for being right.
Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? | Page 3 | Naked Science …
Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? 67 Replies; 212849 Views; 0 Tags;
Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? | Page 2 | Naked Science …
Nov 4, 2014 · Re: Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? « Reply #20 on: 28/05/2012 08:13:39 » i went to hospital today with a rash on chest,stomach,elbows,and thighs.i got ate some turkey and rash intensified and stated burning.what is treatment
Why am I allergic to chicken and turkey? - The Naked Scientists
I could eat chicken when I was young, but began having problems with swallowing and choking. I knew I couldn't eat chicken but was continually fed chicken by family members who did not believe me. Listen to your kids about some things! I was diagnosed as a teenager as having a severe allergy to all poultry and issued an epi-pen immediately.
Why do chickens lay all year round? - Naked Scientists
Oct 14, 2007 · But there's more than one reason why you can have a bloodspot in an egg. As the egg is being formed in the oviduct, which is the part of the chicken which makes the egg, sometimes you can get a tear in the tissue or a leak from a blood vessel. This squirts a little bit of the chicken's blood into the egg.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? | Podcasts - The Naked …
May 14, 2023 · Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Why do we dream? And why is the Earth still so hot? 14 May 2023.
Parasites and Clean Water Supplies | Podcasts - The Naked Scientists
Feb 25, 2007 · That's because the egg gets made in the chicken's oviduct. It descends the oviduct and has the shell made around the outside. Sometimes as it's going down the oviduct, a blood vessel in the wall of that oviduct in the mother chicken can burst and spill out and get into the material that's being laid down in the egg.
Why does celery make my tongue numb? | Science Questions
Jul 8, 2007 · This could be a manifestation of Oral Allergy Syndrome. If you suffer from hayfever, an allergy to pollen, you may find some of the same substances in the plant as you would find in the pollen.When you eat the plant, your mouth is exposed to the same things as you would in the pollen, and so you have a miniature allergic reaction in your mouth.
Can a cockerel lay an egg? | Science Questions - The Naked …
Apr 19, 2016 · What's probably happening is that when a young chicken is beginning to establish it's laying cycle, it occasionally produces eggs that are all albumen (the white stuff) and no yoke; this goes away as the egg production inside the chicken becomes more established.
9 Common Allergy Symptoms | Early Signs of Allergies
SponsoredDiscover Nine Common Allergy Symptoms and Allergy Relief That Starts To Work At Hour 1. From Runny Nose to Itchy Throat: Learn Common Allergy Symptoms and How to Get Relief.