Special dish "Little Tiger": The rampant cat meat trade in Vietnam
Aug 12, 2020 · The prices for cats and cat meat are based on weight, with live cats going for $6.50 per 2.2. lbs and their raw meat going for $8.50 per 2.2 lbs. According to the latest …
Cat meat - Wikipedia
Cat meat is meat prepared from domestic cats for human consumption. Some countries serve cat meat as a regular food, whereas others have only consumed some cat meat in desperation …
Why don't we eat cat meat? - The Environmental Literacy Council
Jan 18, 2025 · Cat meat is often just called “meat” or not mentioned at all by vendors who are often selling illegally. This shows that it is generally not eaten with pride and is often a part of a …
8 Years of Investigations of Dog and Cat Meat Trade
Animal Equality has been investigating the Dog and Cat Meat Trade to expose the abuse and mistreatment of these animals. This trade involves the capture, torture, and slaughter of …
Gruesome pictures show a cat meat market in Vietnam where …
Mar 15, 2018 · HEARTBREAKING pictures show a cat meat market in Vietnam where helpless pets are squeezed into "death cages" to be skinned, butchered and boiled. A local cat rescuer, …
Inside a sickening cat meat market: Photos reveal the horror
Mar 16, 2018 · HORRIFIC pictures reveal the true horror within a Vietnamese cat meat market where animals are skinned, butchered and boiled for a delicacy dish called “little tiger”.
Ending the dog and cat meat trade | Humane World for Animals
We are making significant progress in our campaign to end the dog meat trade in five Asian countries that drive the market: South Korea, Indonesia, China, Viet Nam and India.
“Little Tiger”: New Report Reveals the Truth Behind Cat Meat …
Aug 14, 2020 · Cat meat is locally known as “Little Tiger”. The trade is not only a threat to animal welfare but also to human health with the risk of rabies and zoonotic diseases. Also, …
unregulated dog and cat meat trade (DCMT) continue to be largely ignored. This is despite mounting evidence that it is not only increasingly controversial, but also poses a very real …
Inside the cat and dog meat market in China - CNN.com
Mar 9, 2010 · Cat meat can be found on the menu in China, Vietnam and even parts of South America. The Chinese government has signaled a willingness to take the meat off the market. …