Bromus ciliatus (Fringed Brome) - Minnesota Wildflowers
Fringed Brome is distinguished by a 1-veined lower glume, 3-veined upper glume, and lemmas that are long-hairy just along the edges on the lower half or so and hairless or only minutely hairy on the surface. The hairiness of sheaths and leaves is variable.
Bromus ciliatus - Wikipedia
Bromus ciliatus is a species of brome grass known by the common name fringed brome. [1] It is native to most of North America, including most of Canada, most of the United States except for some portions of the South, and northern Mexico.
Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome | Prairie Moon Nursery
It is typical of other Bromus species with attractive, nodding florets off to one side of the stalk. Bromus ciliatus can be found growing in prairies and marshes. It would make a great addition to a rain garden, bioswale, or wetland.
Uses: Columbia brome is a native upland grass useful for erosion control and revegetation along shady streambanks, ravines, and roadsides. The species is also important for the restoration of moist to relatively dry understory woodland plant communities.
Bromus ciliatus - USDA Plants Database
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Bromus ciliatus — fringed brome - Go Botany
Fringed brome is widely distributed across North America. It is considered an important forage plant for cattle in the West. Its seeds are eaten by small mammals and birds. The Iroquois soaked their seed corn in a tea made from fringed brome before planting.
Bromus ciliatus L. - Calflora
Bromus ciliatus is a perennial grasslike herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in North America and beyond.
Bromus ciliatus (Fringed Brome) - FSUS
Bromus ciliatus Linnaeus. Common name: Fringed Brome. Phenology: Jul-Aug. Habitat: Seepage areas, fens, moist areas near high elevation creeks, grassy balds, high elevation woodlands, mostly over mafic or calcareous rocks. Distribution: Widespread in n. North America: NL (Labrador) to AK, south in the east to PA, and in the mountains to NC ...
Bromus ciliatus - FNA
Bromus ciliatus grows in damp meadows, thickets, woods, and stream banks across almost all of northern North America except the high arctic, extending further south mainly through the western United States to Mexico. Some taxonomists have named plants with different degrees of sheath pubescence as different forms.
Bromus ciliatus - Blue Thumb
Cool-season, perennial grass that reaches 2-4' in height. It is a bunching, short-lived species. A good restoration plant for shady sites as well as mesic-to-wet conditions. This species can be grown as a specimen or in small groups. This species is not …