Computer display keeps turning blue tint - Microsoft Community
Feb 8, 2019 · I know this question has been answered on other threads and I have searched them, however my screen is still blue tinted. I usually log on first thing in the morning and the …
Windows 10 blue tint screen - Microsoft Community
Dec 22, 2018 · This immediately turned my screeen a transluscent blue and upon exitimg the game my screen is still blue. Ive restarted 3-4 times, tried colour calibration but it had no …
Blue Tint in one of the monitors, how to fix it?
Original Title: Blue Tint I have two monitors. One is the correct color but the other developed a blue tint. I changed the resolution to 1920x1080 and no change. So I purchased a new monitor …
Blue Tint on Screen - Microsoft Community
Mar 10, 2025 · But, a small box appeared, as if I was changing my laptops fan speed, saying that I was now in Cinematic view (I'm pretty sure that is what it said) and now my screen has sort …
Video playback causes blue tint/hue to screen display?
Jan 14, 2019 · Not sure when this problem first started but everytime I open a video to play it back, the screen colour changes to an awful blue/grey colour which does not revert to normal …
my computer shows a blue tint - Microsoft Community
Feb 11, 2025 · So, i was playing skyirm yesterday and I used a shout to summon Durnevhiir, after that my display changed to a blue tint that i first thought it was an in-game effect. After using …
My screen i showing a light blue/teal tint in areas where there …
May 7, 2012 · My screen is showing a light blue tint in areas where there should be white
Blue border around my internet browsers active windows
Mar 9, 2019 · The blue lines around the active browser windows were applied by a security software called Hitman.Pro to indicate that the browser was secured against internet threats.
Odd screen tint issue (blue) - Microsoft Community
May 23, 2018 · The issue I have is that my laptop (ASUS K501UQ) shifts between two screen tints. The first, which tends to show up after a fresh reboot is blue-tinted and looks terrible. The …
Why does a blue window randomly flash on my laptop screen?
Feb 14, 2023 · Hello,I have Windows 11 installed on my laptop and while on a website or just online searching with Google, a blue window randomly flashes on my screen. I could be typing …