How do I breed a blue fire dragon in Dragonvale? - Arqade
A Blue Fire dragon is a hybrid dragon made of opposing elements. The general rules on how you can breed them can be found at this question. Specifically for a Blue Fire dragon you will want to select a Fire Dragon and then any other Cold Hybrid dragon. At this time the list of cold hybrids are: Lichen Evergreen Mountain Blue Fire Storm Ice ...
How to hatch a Blue Fire Dragon on DragonVale - Arqade
Jul 15, 2016 · I was trying to hatch a Blue Fire Dragon on DragonVale but had problems doing so. Does anyone know what my issue might be?
How do I breed dragons with opposing elements? - Arqade
Apr 7, 2012 · Dragons such as Blue Fire, Frostfire, and Sandstorm have opposing elements. When I choose a fire dragon, cold gets greyed out. When I choose an air dragon, earth gets greyed out. So how do I breed these types of opposing element hybrids?
Blue smoke surrounding me in Dragon Age: Origins - Arqade
Sep 20, 2010 · I just successfully defended Redcliffe in Dragon Age Origins as a Mage. I noticed that there is some blue smoke surrounding me, but looking at my 'modifiers' the only thing I can see is 'coughing ...
How do I breed a sun dragon in DragonVale? - Arqade
Aug 2, 2016 · Some suggestions for the many possible combinations include: Firefly dragon with a Cold dragon Blue fire dragon with a Crystal dragon Ice dragon with a Quake dragon Cold dragon with a Storm dragon Fire dragon with a Storm dragon Scorch dragon with a Cold dragon Wait 48 hours for breeding. The egg color will be gold with a sun icon in the middle.
How to breed a Coolfire dragon in dragon city? - Arqade
Aug 28, 2018 · So, this Coolfire dragon in dragon city is quite hard to breed if you do not have a double flame dragon (which I don't have). And now it is required to participate in a battle in the frozen wind cup!
In Dragonvale, which dragon should I use for each quest?
Jan 7, 2013 · As , the game itself give you clues on the elements you need for each quest. If that is not enough of a hint, the DragonVale Wiki has which covers dragon recommendations for every quest as well as all of the possible outcomes based on the completion time (so you can know what you are going to get, before the quest completes). If you are finding the quests tedious, remember that you can also ...
What/Who is this Blue Dragon? And why is it in Orgimmar?
Aug 12, 2014 · I was flying through Orgrimmar when I saw this blue dragon, hovering over the city. Here is a screen shot: It kind of looks as though it is creating a blue version of The Matrix there.. Why is/w...
What do Ken and Ryu say when they do their special moves?
I know the there's hadōken (波動拳, wave-motion fist) for the ball of fire/plasma. Does anyone know what they say for the jumping uppercut and the helicopter kick? If the words changed over time, I'm particularly interested in what they say in Street Fighter II.
What clues can be used to find where the Blue Dragon is hidden?
Mar 17, 2020 · To find the Blue Dragon, you much first go to the Ancient Castle (also hidden). Go into the throne room, stand next to the throne on the right, take five steps down, and press the action button (there is nothing on the floor to suggest the character can interact with something).