Best Dragons in Commander - Commander (EDH) - MTG Salvation
Feb 6, 2015 · For Scion, you're probably going to want a couple of things on your dragons: Haste, Protection, Damage Increase. Everything else is gravy; he kills easy with general damage. Most dragons cost way too much for doing too little, increasing your already high curve too high.
Help needed - best commander against Dragons - MTG Salvation
May 31, 2019 · Blue, White, and Black are dragons greatest enemies. Cheap counters, cheap removal, and board wipes. Dragons are usually doing one thing a turn so it’s important to stop the things that let them do more than that. So pay attention to when they go for Temur Ascemdancy, Selvala’s Stampede, Lurking Predators and the like. Taxing their mana can ...
Good Kaalia Angels/Demons/Dragons - MTG Salvation
Jan 9, 2014 · Magic: The Gathering: Best Black Cards In Commander The Price For Half Of Magic’s Standard Sets Will Be More Due To Universes Beyond’s Premium Pricing Top 10 Dimir Cards To Bring To Your Next Commander Night
Best Dragons As of 2020 - Multiplayer - MTG Salvation
Jun 4, 2020 · MTG Salvation Forums; The Game; ... Best Dragons As of 2020 #1 Jun 3, 2020. UrDragonWUBRG4. UrDragonWUBRG4 ...
Best dragon? - Opinions & Polls - Magic General - MTG Salvation
Jul 7, 2012 · Based entirely on artwork, I prefer dragons that look either very traditional or radically different. Bogardan Hellkite, Kilnmouth Dragon and Imperial Hellkite are unique interpretations of dragons, while Niv-Mizzet, The Firemind, Ebon Dragon and Alabaster Dragon are superb examples of the typical dragon.
Good Sets For Angels & Dragons? - Modern - MTG Salvation
Nov 25, 2017 · Most angels and dragons are dirt cheap to buy. if you took the cash to buy even a fat pack or whatever they call it now, you could probably get playsets of most of the dragons and angels in Modern. Avacyn, Baneslayer, Thundermaw, there …
Best Removal for Ur-Dragon Deck? - MTG Salvation
Jun 22, 2018 · I have an Ur Dragon deck and being in 5 colors does open you up to play the best removal in the game. However being 5 colors what they are and dragons being greedy on mana (lots of red) that must be accounted for in your deck. I must say that I do not like primal command and mystic confluence for the deck.
What is the best tri-colored dragon? - MTG Salvation
Apr 12, 2011 · The poll is inquiring about the best wedge Dragon, not the best wedge color combination. Most of the other Dragons have some sort of conditions/requirements to be met in addition to dealing the damage but Numot just wreaks havoc on your opponent's lands, period.
What's needed - Modern - The Game - MTG Salvation
Jun 22, 2018 · Dragons would also benefit from a 4-5 CMC creature that would seriously impede an opponent's ability to win the game on T3-T4. Sort of like the equivalent of Thought-Knot Seer for Eldrazi. These two things would help the tribe a lot. Right now, the best you can really do in Modern Dragons is T1 dork, T2 Sarkhan, T3 Glorybringer.
Building Mono Red Dragons - need suggestions for land base
Jun 28, 2018 · Crystal Vein - Dragons can be pricy and the land setback can be negligible on turn 6. Drownyard Temple - If you have draw/discard effects this can ramp you. Geier Reach Sanitarium - A land that loots in a color that needs as much card draw or selection it can get.