Orban - Wikipedia
Orban, also known as Urban (Hungarian: Orbán; died 1453), was an iron founder and engineer from Brassó, Transylvania, in the Kingdom of Hungary (today Brașov, Romania), who cast large-calibre artillery, Basilic, for the siege of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453.
Orban: The Man Whose Cannon Brought Down the Walls of Constantinople ...
May 12, 2017 · Orban, (also known as Urban) was a cannon caster of possible Hungarian origin (but this is disputed). A Byzantine Greek historian from Athens by the name of Laonikos Khalkokondyles (c.1430 – c. 1470) mentions something different:
Orban: The Man Who Brought Down the Walls of Constantinople – Part I
Sep 11, 2017 · Orban, soon to be the last Byzantine emperor, visited the court of Byzantine Emperor Constantine XI Palaiologos (8 February 1405 – 29 May 1453) to pitch his cannons. Constantine XI Palaiologos (Tilemahos Efthimiadis /CC BY 2.0) Orban entered Constantinople’s capital and offered his services to the emperor.
Orban’s Colossal Cannon: Holding a Tiger by the Tail – Part II
May 15, 2017 · Sultan Mehmed II was so pleased with Orban’s massive, destructive cannon that he wanted another twice its size! Orban headed back to his foundry in Edirne
Il cannone di Orban e la caduta di Costantinopoli
May 7, 2019 · Il cannone di Orban simboleggia la fine delle antiche tecniche medievali di costruzione delle fortezze, rendendo inutili le cinte murarie, nonché della guerra d’assedio. Apre un nuovo capitolo nella storia militare in cui l’uso massivo del bombardamento di artiglieria avrebbe prevalso sulla cavalleria.
Did you know that Master Orbán's cannons brought down the walls …
Feb 26, 2020 · He built a huge cannon for the #sultan which could bring down the walls of the city. #Hungary #Hungarian #Istanbul #Constantinople #war #History #Orban
Basilic (cannon) - Wikipedia
The Basilic, [1] or The Ottoman Cannon was a very large-calibre cannon designed by Orban, a cannon engineer, Saruca Usta and architect Muslihiddin Usta at a time when cannons were still new. It is one of the largest cannons ever built .
The Guns of Constantinople - HistoryNet
Jul 30, 2007 · History's first great artillery barrage, in 1453, allowed Mehmed to capture Constantinople when all previous Ottoman attempts had failed. Ironically, his cannon were created by a Hungarian named Orban who had once been employed to defend the city.
IL CANNONE DI ORBAN – Prima parte: Alla corte di Edirne
Apr 5, 2013 · Ora è in attesa di essere ammesso alla vostra Augusta Presenza e della vostra benevolenza. Il suo nome è Orban ed era giunto fin dai Balcani per offrire le sue elevate conoscenze e i suoi servigi all’imperatore della città degli infedeli.»
Il gigantesco cannone di Urban - OrticaWeb
Dec 29, 2016 · Un cannone gigantesco, capace di sbriciolare con i suoi colpi le poderose mura di Costantinopoli. Il progettista e costruttore di questa arma possente fu un Ungherese di origine tedesca, di nome Urban.