Chapter 2 had set out the two requirements for success over which Montgomery had no control: weak German resistance and good weather. Chapter 3 demonstrated conclusively the fallacy of the first when, ...
On 17 September 1944, the British First Airborne Army, also incorporating American and Polish troops, launched an attack on major bridges in Holland, most memorably at Arnhem. This bore the name ...
Direct RAF support for Market Garden started on the night of 16/17 September 1944, when 200 Lancasters and 23 Mosquitoes of 1 and 8 Groups, Bomber Command, based in England, bombed 4 Luftwaffe ...
The Royal Air Force Museum is thrilled to announce its new partnership with Virgin Atlantic, naming the esteemed airline as the Museum’s official airline partner. The collaboration between the RAF ...
Each year the RAF Museum Midlands plays host to a number of events which provide opportunities for families and all our visitors to enjoy a great day out.
Get ready for take off! Explore the skies and uncover the immense history of the RAF.
New Acquisition: Fiona Banner’s The Bastard Word Studies (2006-7) ...