various chronic diseases such as diabetes and liver disease, so reducing sugar intake is beneficial for health. New research has shown that reducing sugar intake is not only good for people's ...
The 2024 edition of the ' Top 100 Most Beautiful Faces in the World ' announced by the movie review site TC Candler at the end of each year has been announced. In the 2023 edition, ...
In recent years, the price of gold, a stable asset, has been on the rise due to political instability in the international community, and at the time of writing, it is over 14,000 yen per gram.
In recent years, it has become widely known that strength training is important for a healthy life, and some people may say that they 'go to the gym all the time for their health.' However, many ...
Researchers from the National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University in China have developed a sensor that can measure a person's heart rate and other parameters without touching the skin.
In Japan, influenza is expected to become widespread in the 2024-2025 season, and each prefecture is calling for people to take preventive measures against infection, such as washing their hands ...
inflation, which is the continued rise in prices of various goods, but for some reason experts and government officials argue that 'a little inflation is desirable,' and the Bank of Japan, the ...
「ゲーミングPCは持っているけど、寝室などの別の部屋でもゲームがしたい」という時に役立つのがSteam公式リモートプレイアプリの「Steam Link」です。Steam Linkは小型コンピューターのRaspberry ...
家電メーカーのサンワサプライが2024年11月から、多機能ワイヤレスマウスの「400-MAWBT204BK」を販売しています。スティックを倒すことでカーソルの操作や動画・音楽の再生/一時停止などのさまざまな便利機能を備えた400-MAWBT204BK ...
Metaは2023年後半にFacebookとInstagram上にAIキャラクターのアカウントを作成。このアカウントはユーザーとコミュニケーションをとったり、生成AIを用いて作成された画像を投稿したりしていました。その後、Metaは2024年7月に著 ...
「廷臣」と呼ばれるカードを使い、女王の食卓に集まった6つの「家」の地位を上げたり下げたりしてポイントを稼ぐゲームが「クルティザン」です。評判の良い家の廷臣を集めればポイントを獲得できますが、ゲームルールに「廷臣を他のプレイヤーに押しつける」というもの ...