We are aware of the recent false claims suggesting that a Brother firmware update may have restricted the use of third-party ink cartridges. Please be assured that Brother firmware updates do not ...
First responders in Utah are mostly remaining silent about reported major issues impacting officers, firefighters, EMS and ...
Brother printers had been lauded before for their compatibility with non-OEM toner cartridges, setting them apart from brands like HP. However, recent firmware updates have deliberately ...
Turning the clock back roughly 15 years to the heights of the PS3 generation, Sony has supplied its third home console with ...
Sony rolled out PS3 system software update 4.92 this morning, taking players by surprise considering the console's age.
Sony releases a surprise update for the PlayStation 3 on March 5, bringing the nearly nineteen-year-old console to system ...
The popular router company is reportedly under investigation by three US departments over security flaws linked to Chinese ...
The Rise of Cold Wallet Hacks - Cold wallets, devices that store digital assets offline, have long been considered a bastion ...
The transceivers, available globally from the second half of 2025, are compatible with third-party routers, Fujitsu’s Edge ...
In total, they were able to disrupt the botnet on over 500,000 Android devices, effectively sink holing communications to the ...
New research shows at least a million inexpensive Android devices—from TV streaming boxes to car infotainment systems—are ...
The BadBox Android malware botnet has been disrupted again by removing 24 malicious apps from Google Play and sinkholing ...