Both writers wrote a She-Hulk that firmly embraced her new set-up, and had no interest in becoming a "normal" human ever again. Byrne, though, decided to just outright make that change a permanent ...
“We were definitely inspired by [John Byrne’s Sensational She-Hulk] run in our previous issues, and we’re leaning in even more with the new book. I want it to feel really smooth and ...
Slightly coy, the showrunner did not fully rule out the possibility that She-Hulk will appear in Born Again. However, Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Henson, and Jon Bernthal are also back as Karen Page, ...
In Sensational She-Hulk #36 - by John Byrne - She-Hulk’s body modifies to take on the form of a woman she attempted to swap minds with. It was a one-and-done trick of hers that required some ...
In case you’ve been wondering how Marvel Studios will handle Daredevil’s appearance in She-Hulk: Attorney at Law in Daredevil ...