Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, but if you’re prepared this can definitely make all the difference for you and your pet. This article mostly references cats and dogs but you’ll find ...
A Pasadena animal shelter has urged evacuees to "please take your animals with you" as they have brought in 300 animals after ...
During the winter season, many problems can arise. Having a bag ready to go is essential for tough situations. Hardin County ...
Bring your pets inside during cold weather, The Humane Society of the United States adds that if pets cannot come indoors, you should make sure they are protected by a dry, draft-free enclosure large ...
Emergency care experts weigh in on wildfire safety for pets with advice for evacuation planning and treatment needs ...
A cold front will drop temperates below freezing next week so pet owners need to take extra precautions to keep their four-legged family members safe.