ICE federal agents pulled over a man and said he had swerved towards them while they were conducting a stop on the side of the road.
According to court documents, Steve Norn, the former MLA for Tu Nedhé-Wiilideh, was pulled over in Yellowknife on Nov. 28.
A 26-year-old man is wanted by Newburgh Heights police after he assaulted an officer during a traffic stop Tuesday night.
A Concord man was arrested after driving at least 12 miles the wrong way on Interstate 93 and causing damage to three ...
A rider who was caught counterflowing in traffic in Cagayan De Oro City took matters into his own hands and got into a fistfight with the two RTA officers.
Video shows a woman left screaming in pain as a driver stops for a moment before taking off and leaving the scene.
NYPD Commissioner Jessica Tisch said some officers have been unlawfully carrying out stops without facing department discipline.