Nationalist politician Lumumba became an anti-colonial icon when he gave a fiery speech against racism on independence day on June 30, 1960. He then became Congo's first post-colonial prime minister.
In Léopoldville, on the eve of independence ... kilometers wide of the purest copper ever found. The Congo was only in the fifteenth day of its sovereignty when the president, Kasavubu, and ...
Independence for Congo followed a strange course of events ... The actual independence day was a mixture of huge excitement and bad temper on the part of the former colonial power.
Rwanda-backed M23 rebels entered the strategic town of Walikale in eastern Congo late Wednesday, according to residents and ...
Independence for Congo followed a strange course of events ... The actual independence day was a mixture of huge excitement and bad temper on the part of the former colonial power.
In a new nation independence day Léopoldville, Republic of the Congo, June 30, 1960. Unknown Speaker: "Jubilant Congolese gathered to witness the proclamation of independence this morning at 11 o ...
Lumumba remains for many in Congo a symbol of what the country could have become after its independence. Instead, it became mired in decades of dictatorship that drained its vast mineral riches.