Experts discuss their experience using Philips LumiGuide; the value of 3D, color visualization; the learning curve; and its ...
Placing an external ventricular drain (EVD) at bedside using augmented reality (AR) guidance is more precise than freehand ...
Dissecting cadavers is a mainstay of medical education, but it relies on donors and poses ethical and other challenges. Roshni Shastri and Crispin Wiles argue that modern teaching has moved on, but ...
PAROL6 is a high-performance 3D-printed desktop robotic arm. The design approach of PAROL6 was to be similar to industrial robots in terms of mechanical design, control software, and usability.
Whatever the case is, you should at least try using it before coming to a conclusion. A lot of users with ARM-based processors are deprived of trying Windows 11, well, not anymore. We are going to ...
The new tool will provide a better understanding of the female anatomy and help to prevent women getting incorrectly diagnosed. It is currently being used to teach first year medical students at ...