Nor do LitRes and other online booksellers hesitate to sell the book. Also noteworthy is the fact that the Russian editions of 1984 for sale are all edited and introduced by writers officially ...
This was the book the world needed to read. Credit: Aaron Tam / AFP via Getty Images Saying George Orwell's 1984 is my favorite book is like saying Star Wars is my favorite movie franchise.
According to Waters, the advocates of open Internet do not want it to become the George Orwell 1984 novel "tool of big brother to get everybody thinking in conformity, and all bowing down to Big ...
In the year 1984, there was self-congratulatory coverage that the dystopia of the novel had not been realized. However, an expert argues that the technologies described in the novel are here and ...
George Orwell’s 1984 has long been hailed as a literary masterpiece ... More surprisingly, however, is how relevant the book still is despite the titular date now being further in the past ...