"The Pitt" is a medical drama from the studio behind "ER," the producer behind "ER," and centered on one of the signature ...
Noah Wyle stars as a put-upon emergency department doctor in "The Pitt," streaming on Max. He's not a grown-up Dr. Carter ...
HBO’s streaming platform Max is emulating network TV with a weekly medical drama. Each episode tracks an hour of a shift in ...
Noah Wyle is returning to the emergency room for his new medical drama The Pitt, which actually came together after an ER ...
Victoria Javadi (Shabana Azees) is a third-year medical student and fast-tracked prodigy who experiences an embarrassment on ...
“The Pitt” is the derisive nickname given to the rundown Pittsburgh hospital where Wyle’s Dr. Michael “Robby” Rabinavitch ...
Noah Wyle goes back to an emergency room for his new series "The Pitt" and Lana Wilson's lauded documentary about psychics ...
Its creative team includes “ER” alumni, and it is a hospital drama starring Noah Wyle. But it is doing its own thing (and is ...
Wyle took on the role of Apple CEO Steve Jobs in a TV movie called Pirates of Silicon Valley. During the 1999 keynote ...
That landmark show, lauded for its character-driven, gritty realism (which set the standard for future IV-infused TV) ...
Two of John Wells’ Avengers will share the screen in Max’s The Pitt. TVLine has an exclusive sneak peek from the highly ...
Max hospital drama starring Noah Wyle draws from the same creative team as the longtime NBC series and revives a TV formula ...