According to Android Police, T-Mobile has added Google’s latest phones to its beta test of direct-to-cell satellite service powered by SpaceX’s Starlink. iPhones and a select few Samsung phones were ...
Since we've already revealed just about everything else about the Google Pixel 9a, it's time to talk about pre-orders and ...
An update to Google Gemini has brought the Talk Live feature introduced on the Galaxy S25 to the Pixel 9 series and Galaxy ...
Google’s AI smarts and simple software experience or Samsung’s versatility? Here's how the Pixel 9 Pro XL and the Galaxy S25 Ultra compare.
If you're looking to get signed up with a carrier, you can score some massive discounts on all the latest Google phones.
The Samsung Galaxy S25 is a lot like the Google Pixel 9. Which one should you buy? That depends on a number of factors, and ...
Multiple users have reported issues with the Google Pixel 9 Pro’s camera bar, which in the most serious cases is physically ...
Being the more svelte smartphone, I think the Samsung Galaxy S25 generally feels better to handle and use than the Google ...
Google Pixel 9a may launch in March, with pre-orders starting March 19. It offers budget-friendly Pixel features and AI capabilities.
The good thing is iD Mobile is very transparent about how much extra you'll pay in April so you can factor that cost in. The ...
After almost half a year, just where does the Pixel 9 Pro XL sit in the upper echelons of the Android smartphone space? Find ...