Interstellar material has been discovered in our solar system, but researchers continue to hunt for where it came from and ...
One million alien visitors from another star system could already be lurking in the solar system. We aren't talking about ...
"The universe is filled with a range of three-body systems, including the closest stars to Earth, the Alpha Centauri star ...
The three-star system, which likely hosts planets, is slowly moving closer to us and will reach its closest point in about 28,000 years.
The triple star system is sending comets, asteroids and meteors our way, and the number of interstellar objects entering the solar system will rise.
Interstellar material has been discovered in our solar system, but researchers continue to hunt for where it came from and how it got here.A new study ...
Sure, they’re particles and rocks, but they’re still a fascinatingly long way from home. Alpha Centauri is the star system ...
The proximity and the approach make Alpha Centauri a great case study for the spread of interstellar objects. That is why ...
"Our Sun (Sol) is marked by a black hexagon, and its orbital path is indicated by a grey solid line (top row only). Alpha ...
Over a million interstellar objects larger than 100 meters could be in the outer solar system, originating from Alpha Centauri. As Alpha Centauri moves closer to us, the number of these objects is ...
We predict an upper limit of about one million 100-meter or larger Alpha Centauri objects within the solar system, Cole Gregg, a doctoral candidate in astronomy at the University of Western ...
The detection of a large interstellar objects in 2017 named 'Oumuamua was a remarkable discovery. Figuring out where the wayward traveler came from, though, is another challenge entirely. Picture ...