When the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement was passed in the 1970s, eutrophication was the big problem. Eutrophication occurs when too many nutrients enter a body of water, increasing the amount of ...
The quality of water in Dutch lakes, rivers and canals has been worsening in the past years and, continuing at this pace, it will not reach the “good” status required by 2027 under EU rules, the ...
The European Commission called for faster progress across the European Union (EU) to protect waters and better manage flood risks. According to the latest report on the state of water in the EU, only ...
The rapid meltdown of polar ice could shut down a key ocean current by 2050, triggering catastrophic surges of sea level rise along the U.S. East Coast and dangerous climate shifts in northwestern ...
The survey found little demand amongst young people for significant action or accountability from ocean stakeholders.