Among the most seminal of these works is Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, published in 1962. With its meticulous research and impassioned advocacy, Silent Spring illuminated the grave ...
In contrast, Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring” sent a cry that affected the whole world’s view and action on the dangers of the then insecticide/soil treatments in use. Her foresight and ...
It is early in those 60 years that Rachel Carson wrote "Silent Spring." Other authors like R. Buckminster Fuller, Wendell ...
Sunil Amrith’s The Burning Earth takes us on a gloomy and bleak tour of how, in the name of progress, Western empires made a ...
Carson’s family wrote me: “We thought that the height of the ledge at Rachel’s place would have ... in her final years, to ...
The environmental movements of the time, inspired by landmark works like Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring, had raised awareness about the detrimental impacts of pollution, deforestation, and habitat ...
This spring, wildlife biologist Mike Bottini was working at Montauk County Park when, beneath an eagle’s nest, he came upon a dead adult bald eagle. A necropsy report done on the dead bird ...
High up in the trees, in her favorite hunting spot, the green anole is patient, her bright, black eyes swiveling ...