The DC Animated Universe featured a string of interconnected cartoon shows that aired in the '90s and '00s. Here's the best ...
The DCAU, also known as the Timmverse, expertly translates classic DC stories to TV, introducing iconic characters like Harley Quinn. The interconnected DCAU shows and movies, starting with Batman ...
As James Gunn’s reinvention of the DC movie and TV universe gathers momentum, it would be easy to forget about the previously ...
DC Studios co-chiefs James Gunn and Peter Safran announced the first chapter of their new DC Universe: Gods and Monsters. And on Thursday, the first season finale of Max’s animated Creature Commandos ...
If you thought waiting for the new Marvel TV shows was torturous, try being a DC fan. With all of the ... The fifth season of Max's hit, adult animated series, Harley Quinn is now streaming ...
The James Gunn-created animated series is the first release in the new DC Universe. By Rick Porter Television Writer The first building block of the new on-screen DC Universe will get a second season.