N-VA’s Bart De Wever takes over after marathon talks as anti-establishment forces gather strength across Europe ...
Belgium loves to drape itself in the cloak of humanitarianism and democracy, but let’s not forget its track record: Colonial ...
Opmerkelijke beelden vanuit Portugal. Daar heeft het pas 13-jarige surftalent Kamiel Deraeve uit Oostduinkerke iets ...
The top legislator hailed the police force’s contributions to the country's achievements in 2024, underscoring their ...
What’s driving the day in Brussels. By NICHOLAS VINOCUR Send tips here | Tweet @NicholasVinocur @swheaton @EddyWax | Listen to Playbook and view in your browser GREETINGS, this is Nick ...
The new Belgian Prime Minister, Bart De Wever, taking the oath of office of his government.
Bart De Wever, known for advocating Flemish independence, has become Belgium's Prime Minister, marking a significant political shift. Leading an eclectic coalition, he aims to tackle the nation's ...
Zoom in Zoom in Waar Bart de Wever (1970) vorige maand nog zijn derde eed als burgemeester van Antwerpen aflegde, maakt hij zich nu op voor het premierschap van België. Foto Dirk Waem/AFP De inkt ...
Bart de Wever made his name as a separatist champion in Belgium's Dutch-speaking north -- and was long accused on the French side of seeking to blow up the country altogether. Now, after the country's ...
Wie had ooit kunnen denken dat Vlaams nationalist Bart De Wever de premier van België zou worden? Vermoedelijk was hij zelf degene die dat het minst had verwacht. Hij liet lange tijd graag ...
Five parties agreed to form a new Belgian coalition government late Friday, concluding months of negotiations and paving the way for Flemish nationalist Bart De Wever to serve as the country’s next ...
Exact twee decennia geleden trok Bart De Wever (N-VA) met twaalf vrachtwagens vol nepgeld naar de scheepslift van Strépy-Thieu om de fameuze “transfers” van Vlaanderen naar Wallonië aan te ...