The dishonest and dangerous activity of the law firm Perkins Coie has affected this country for decades,” the order reads, accusing the firm of “undermining democratic elec
Washington lawyer Mark Zaid’s security clearance gives him access to information, like whether a client works for the Central Intelligence Agency and what happened to the US intelligence officers he represents who are suffering from “Havana Syndrome.
Claims that people who participated in the attack on the Capitol were mistreated by agencies like the Justice Department are part of efforts to cast the rioters as victims rather than perpetrators.
When Donald Trump signed an executive order targeting a private law firm, it was seen as an outrageous abuse. It didn’t stop him from doing it again.
President Donald Trump on Thursday said he would strip Perkins Coie employees of federal security clearances over the law firm's diversity practices and political activities, as he launched a ...
The sanction against Perkins ... Coie is the latest in a series of retributive moves by Trump and his administration targeting a broad cross-section of perceived adversaries, including Justice ...