The incident involved an alleged break-in actor Saif Ali Khan's residence, which escalated into a brutal knife attack on the actor. Once the news broke, Mumbaikars were stunned, and discussions about the attack spread rapidly across the country.
According to officials, Mumbai police were still awaiting the fingerprint reports from the state CID in the Saif Ali Khan attack case.
On Tuesday, January 28, 2025, the Mumbai Police announced that they had gathered "strong and conclusive evidence" against Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir, also known as Vijay Das, the Bangladeshi national arrested in connection with the January 16 attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan.
The court denied the request for an extension of his police custody and instead remanded him to judicial custody for 14 days.
Ever since Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in the wee hours of January 16th, the authorities have been trying their best to investigate the matter. As reported by News18, on Monday, the authorities were in search of a second suspect in the case as the attacker,
Shariful Islam, the accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case was taken to a court in Mumbai but the police van in which he was being taken broke down on the way. Here's what happened next. Check out the video.
Saif Ali Khan was stabbed in five places - back, wrist, neck, shoulder, and elbow - in an apparent burglary at his home in Mumbai in the early hours of January 16 and was taken to Lilavati Hospital in an autorickshaw.
The Saif Ali Khan stabbing case has raised doubts, particularly regarding the arrest of Shariful Islam Shehzad, a Bangladeshi national accused of attacking the actor on January 16. New developments have led to suspicions that the wrong person may have been arrested and that multiple individuals could be involved.
Mumbai police revealed they have strong evidence against Bangladeshi national Shariful Islam, arrested for attacking actor Saif Ali Khan. The attack happened at Khan's Mumbai home. Police are using various technologies to confirm his identity and are interrogating individuals linked to him.
The Maharashtra police on Tuesday said it has "strong" evidence against the arrested accused in the Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, even as it stated that a facial recognition test would be conducted to match the identity of the accused in police custody with the one captured in the CCTV footage recovered from the actor's residential complex.
In the Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan stabbing case, after arresting the accused on January 19, the Mumbai police officially interacted with the media for the first time on Tuesday, clarifying several points and emphasizing that they have arrested the true accused on the basis of strong evidence.
Is he or is he not the attacker in actor Saif Ali Khan stabbing case? The Mumbai Police, to tamp down rumours surrounding the arrested accused, Tuesday answered in the affirmative: "Yes, we have the right man in custody".