Use our Painting locations guide to track down all 7 Paintings in the Lands Between, as well as the location of each painting ...
The Lazuli Sorcerer Set is the best choice for a mage build in Elden Ring. This armor set offers you various advantages regarding defensive abilities and resistance stats. The armor set has two ...
Sorcerer Thops is an NPC and Merchant introduced in Elden Ring. For a small donation, I'd be happy to share my knowledge. 2. Now, you must enter Raya Lucaria Academy, and to do it, you also need ...
Glintstone Sorcerer Ashes is a Spirit Ash Summon in Elden Ring. Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon the spirit of a glintstone sorcerer. Spirit of a Raya Lucaria sorcerer ...
Errant Sorcerer Set is an Armor Set consisting of four items found in Elden Ring that is best worn by magic builds. This armor set originally belonged to the Errant Sorceror Wilhelm, who was a ...