Civilian mariners and employees who work at the Navy’s public shipyards and maintenance entities are exempt from an ongoing ...
With gospel fervor he even talked optimistically of selling ships to Venezuela, thus helping to create a postwar market for the Kaiser shipyards. To speed the projects, Kaiser engineers will go to ...
The mall was designed by John Carl Warnecke, who helped with the design and construction of housing projects surrounding the Kaiser Shipyards in Richmond during World War II. During the 1950s ...
A crew of 450 pollsters moved into the three Henry J. Kaiser-operated shipyards in the Portland (Ore.) area. In seven days, they sieved 81,881 workers through a series of questions designed to peg ...
A giant and historically significant California outdoor mall now has new owners. Monterey’s Del Monte Shopping Center, a Bauhaus-inspired mid-century campus completed in 1967, is arguably one of the ...