BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) - Let’s take a look at what to do this weekend.
If you have a bird feeder in your backyard, you might be surprised to see birds happily eating seeds well into the winter months. After all, most people learn in school that birds fly south for ...
The massive annual spring migration of America's birds – millions of them – is underway. Here's how to follow along at home.
There’s a tradition among birders that the first bird you see on January 1st sets the tone ... Nuthatches are persistent, tenacious birds that do not give up when faced with challenges.
Hummingbirds are on the move back to the United States after spending the winter in Mexico and Central America. Here's how ...
Hummingbirds are on their way to Texas. The migration map shows some in San Antonio and Houston already. Here's how to attract them to your backyard.
Since November, it's been found in migratory birds in several parts of the state. The poultry industry, MBAH said, was put on high alert to prevent the spread. Do you know how to avoid catching ...
do they? A look at the different foods eaten by urban birds. Nuts, insects, worms, slugs, mealworms and fruit all contribute to their diet. This short film comes from the BBC series, See You See Me.
The Enterprise spoke to D.W. Field Park Association President Patrick Quinn about how the bird flu is impacting birdwatching and what people can expect to see this year.
This is known as urohidrosis. Storks, gannets, boobies and condors are among the birds that do this. Some birds use their faeces in self-defence. Predators of fieldfares face an unpleasant reception ...
They do have a quarantine process and will take in birds that are suffering from other ailments or injuries. The organization also does not collect or help dispose of carcasses. While the ODNR ...