This article was made possible by travel provided by Florida Keys & Key West to experience its night skies and by the ...
This stunning image features a deep field view of the Cassiopeia constellation where the two small planetary nebulas can be ...
"Light pollution from projects like INNA doesn't just hinder research, it steals our shared view of the universe." ...
Chile's Atacama desert is the driest non-polar region on Earth, where "the sky shines when the sun sets", said The Guardian.
There is a slew of dark sky-viewing opportunities across the national parks system, research observatories and star parties – public nighttime gatherings for astronomy enthusiasts to socialize ...
The Appalachian Mountain Club’s Maine Woods Initiative is a 404 square kilometer area of land in the 100-Mile Wilderness. It ...
Created from debris trails from Halley’s Comet, the eta Aquariids can be seen from both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres ...
The new findings come from the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which sits on a telescope at the Kitt Peak ...
and floodlights in sports grounds — is “sky glow,” which obscures the stars for about 80% of the world’s population, according to Dark Sky International. The surging interest in ...
As the city of Maricopa continues to expand with new businesses and residential developments, so too does an often-overlooked ...
On Rum, Europe’s newest dark-sky sanctuary, the island’s 40 residents have learned to embrace darkness. On Rum, Europe’s newest dark-sky sanctuary, the island’s 40 residents have learned ...