Astronomers believe thousands of large undiscovered asteroids, that could cause regional damage, may be in space.
NASA was recently tracking a large asteroid, known as the "city killer," after finding a small chance of it hitting Earth in ...
A new study of decades worth of seismogram data shows that the surface of Earth’s iron and nickel core is more malleable than ...
Project Icarus had already figured it out back in the 1960s: You don’t need to destroy an asteroid to protect the Earth — you just need to give it a slight nudge. Treat it like the eight ball ...
HBO has released a new image that features the two lead characters from the upcoming DC Studios adventure. Hal Jordan (Kyle ...
That is, how to spend what's been pledged so far — and how to raise a lot more to help preserve plant and animal life on Earth ... 23 measures aimed at protecting biodiversity.
Marine protected areas (MPAs) and other conservation measures are increasingly being used by governments to protect fish ...
This issue is preventing our website from loading properly. Please review the following troubleshooting tips or contact us at [email protected]. By submitting your ...
Onboard the IM-2 lander is a payload by Lonestar, a Florida-based startup, which merges art with data backup and technology.
That is, how to spend what's been pledged so far — and how to raise a lot more to help preserve plant and animal life on Earth ... 23 measures aimed at protecting biodiversity.