We’re talking about the silent movie era, when organ music was such an important part of the movie-going experience. Well, ...
The first pieces of the early-1800s Tannenberg pipe organ arrive at the York County History Center after restoration. See the ...
[Rob Scallon] visited the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Chicago to look at their massive pipe organ which boasts over 8000 individual pipes. He also discovered that it has a MIDI interface ...
PROVO — BYU's new music building can be called impressive in many ways, but one of its claims to fame is it boasts the third-largest pipe organ in the state. With more than 4,600 pipes ...
Christopher Nordwall and a co-worker gave a thorough tuneup to the 1928 Kimball Theatre Pipe Organ in the atrium of the State Office Building less than two years ago. But when he returned Thursday ...
The next stop on the Great Elgin Pipe Organ Tour will be at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church on Sunday, March 16. It will be at a later start time, at 4:30 p.m. at the church, 330 Griswold St. The ...
The pipe organ is expected to become available for performances around November, after it is locally adjusted for apt tones. St. Joseph’s Cathedral will cover all expenses for its relocation and ...