But the biggest development in the seas was the appearance of whales in the mid- to late Paleogene. The huge animals evolved from land mammals that took to the seas. Meanwhile, smaller reptiles ...
Namely, a group of primitive amphibians called the temnospondyls. They may have survived the Great Dying by feeding on some ...
Archaeologists uncovered a fossilized skull of an ancient sharp-toothed predator that likely hunted early elephants and primates.
ants managed to avoid extinction during the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction event about 66 million years ago. During that period, up to 80 percent of plants and animals were wiped out.
This event occurred across the world and witnessed the loss of around 75 percent of all species of animals during a very narrow point of time – the boundary between the Cretaceous and Paleogene ...
This is a visual representation of the evolution of the European continental ecosystems across the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary Extinction Event: the diverse vertebrate assemblages of the latest ...